The key points that the Petro government's health reform will have

Health reform: the key is ‘how’ the service will be provided

In the midst of discussing the health reform in and out of Congresswhich is getting hotter and is still more political than technical, Alejandro Gaviria, the former Minister of Education in the government of Gustavo Petro –who came out due to their differences with this initiative– He laid out five health care reform concerns.

In the first place, Gaviria affirms that the government’s commitment proposes “an open system: no benefits plan, no UPC (Capitation Payment Unit)without contracts with providers, without concurrent audits, etc.”. And, to conceive a health system with these conditions, “It would lead to a financial crisis of the system.” A second concern is the “fragmentation of the system into different care networks”.

(Health reform: Acemi analyzes financing).

Another of the concerns expressed is that with the reform “it ends with the EPS, therefore, with the capacities accumulated for thirty years in audits, purchase of services, risk management, management of chronic diseases, etc. If they are not going to carry out contracting, risk management and audits, the role of the managers does not make sense, it is cosmetic”.

(Health reform, the file was denied and the discussion continues).

For Gaviria, that would produce “a crisis.” Which Bruce MacMaster, president of the Andicalls “a blackout in the health system.”

Who is going to assume the social services that the EPS do today?” questions Gaviria. To which is added the concern that it is the Adres that assumes functions that the EPS have today, even when it “does not have the skills or sufficient workers”.

(Health: the proposals that the parties did not accept).

as fifth point there is concern about what may happen to 100,000 EPS workers. And also, the few answers to the questions.

(Conservatives and ‘the U’ will not vote on government health reform).


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