The tax agent Juan Benitez represented the Public Ministry in the Oral trial against Silvio Salvador Zarate Encina, accused as the author of Femicide of which his partner was a victim. The man was found guilty and sentenced to serve a sentence of 27 years of deprivation of liberty. The Prosecutor’s Office had required 30 years.
According to the elements collected by the representative of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the event was recorded in December 2021, on that occasion the now convicted man attacked his partner with an ax causing his death from head trauma. After committing the act, Zárate tried to commit suicide by hanging from a tree, however he was helped by his brother, who in turn was his neighbor.
Likewise, the man he again attempted his self-elimination with a knifeHowever, he did not succeed and fled. He was arrested on January 3 by police officers.
The attack occurred at night, when Silvio Salvador entered the house, attacked the woman while she was sleeping and was completely helpless. The woman left 5 children orphans. The Department of Alto Paraná is one of the points in the country where the majority of cases of Feminicide are registered.
It’s news today: They tried to reconstruct the attack on Zapag, but lawyers did not come
The entrance He will go to prison for 27 years for murdering his partner with an ax was first published on newspaper TODAY.