The intention is to suppress what is established in Art. 1, which speaks of the prohibition to import used vehicles, whatever their origin and model, with a seniority greater than ten yearscounted from the year of its manufacture until the year of dispatch in the place of origin.
Let us remember that as of 2011, Law 4,333/11 came into force, which regulates the importation of vehicles with more than 10 years of use for the Paraguayan fleet.
Despite the fact that this law establishes that vehicles older than 10 years cannot be imported, several companies and importers have obtained, over the years, sentences and legal measures to continue importing this type of vehicle.
The designer highlights in his statement of reasons that, the current text of the law affects not only importers of a certain product, but also potential consumers.
“The state must establish rules of balance between the suppliers and the demand, through regulations that place them on an equal footing for the benefit of the generality,” the justification document refers.
He adds that, with the current provision, there is a tendency towards formation of a monopoly of companies that are only dedicated to the sale of new vehiclesin contravention of the constitutional mandate in relation to the prohibition of the creation of this legal figure.
Read more: Honor Colorado proposes to repeal restriction on importation of used vehicles
Deputy Maidana argues that, it goes without saying that the good condition of a vehicle does not depend on its age, but on the use that is given to them. “A vehicle that is three or five years old may be in worse condition than one that is more than 10 years old, and that is in perfect mechanical and user comfort conditions,” he said.
It also states that in this way the responsibility of the municipalities in the granting of the respective vehicle authorizations is evidenced.
“Authorize the free importation of used vehicles of any origin and model…”, says the initial text of Art. 1 of the aforementioned legal provision.
After entering the legislative circuit, the project was referred, for study and consideration, to the Economic and Financial Affairs commissions; Legislation and Codification; Justice, Labor and Social Welfare; Industry, Commerce, Tourism and Cooperativism; and in Social Equity and Gender.
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