Santo Domingo.- Despite the constant complaints of aggression and death threats against women from their partners, it is a weakness of the Judiciary that there are still judges who do not perceive the attacked as victims, as stated by Yadhira Núñez, in charge of Attention to Violence, of the Ministry of women.
Núñez also cited among the permanent challenges, the delay it takes to obtain a sentence in cases of violence against women or minors, due to the large number of open processes that weigh on the courts.
“We have great weaknesses and challenges from the Judiciary regarding the time that the processes of violence last and in matters of children and adolescents in the courts due to the same burden they have of open processes and the weakness in the training of some judges of the upper house that do not contemplate having this gender perspective and do not perceive the victims as victims, even though they see themselves as such,” she said.
In this sense, Núñez, who participated in the Weekly Lunch of the Corripio Communications Group, indicated that public servants are the ones who must understand the cycle of structural violence from which women who do not see themselves as victims come, and who even come to dispossess to court or lie, “when all they need is system protection and comprehensive assistance.”
In this sense, the person in charge of Attention to Violence maintained that there are many legal proceedings for violence that are still open in court without receiving a sentence, since they last a long time before the judge determines.
cases of violence
Currently, the Ministry of Women receives an average of 23 weekly cases of domestic violence in Greater Santo Domingo alone, figures that, according to Yadhira Nuñez, vary according to the province.
You can read: Female Minister says it is “painful” that the approval of the Penal Code is still being debated
She said that the entity has 58 ministerial offices, distributed in the 32 provinces of the country, where women go in search of assistance not only in cases of aggression, but also for guardianship or power and pensions, among others,
For her part, the Minister for Women, Mayra Jimenezdeclared that at the beginning of her administration, the country only had three shelters for women victims of violence, a figure that currently rose to 16, including a National Shelter Center for specialized care, with capacity for 200 people.
“We found three shelters in 17 years that had the law that institutes shelters or shelters, that law mandates having at least one shelter in each province of the country. He did not give 16 years to the past government administration to be able to comply with that mandate of that law; meanwhile, gender and intra-family violence in the country increased every day”, he emphasized.
He added that, by the end of this year, it is planned to open another 7 houses and by 2023 to have a shelter in each province.
The minister called on women who are suffering from violence to use the emergency line *212, available in 23 provinces and which, by the end of the year, will be available throughout the national territory. Also the telephone number 809-685-3755.
The women sheltered in the aforementioned shelters have at their disposal medical follow-up, psychological care (individual and group) and legal assistance, the latter two are continued even after they leave the house, whose stay can be extended as long as necessary, while are at risk.