A sequel to “Game of Thrones” (“Game of Thrones”) focused on the fan-favorite character and unkillable, Jon Snow, is in development at HBO, according to Hollywood trade reports.
Kit Harington, who played the stoic warrior Snow, last seen banished from Westeros in the series finale, will be present again in “Game of Thrones” if it goes ahead, the Hollywood Reporter and Variety said, citing unnamed sources.
HBO declined to comment on those claims and Harington’s representatives did not immediately respond. to an AFP request for comment.
If the program receives a green light, yesIt would be the latest in a rapidly expanding television universe based on George RR Martin’s fantasy novels.
Three live-action prequel series are already in the works, including “House of the Dragon,” which hits screens this August, as well as three animated prequels.
But Jon Snow’s eventual series would be the first set after the events of the smash hit “Game of Thrones,” which ended with a deeply controversial final season, in 2019.
While several main characters died, Snow, who was revealed to be Aegon Targaryen, a potential heir to the Iron Throne, left Westeros for the frozen and wild north. His character had already been resurrected after being betrayed earlier during the show.
The news of the possible spin-off provoked reactions from fans, some thrilled to see more of the featured “Thrones” character and others questioning the logic of picking up the original show’s disappointing ending.
During its eight-year run beginning in 2011, “Game of Thrones” was a global phenomenon, garnering a record 59 Emmy Awards with their families at war, dragons, medieval violence and sex in abundance.
Martin signed a five-year contract with HBO in 2021 worth “about eight figures” in dollars, to develop programs both in and out of the “Game of Thrones” universe.