The colonel Harvey Colchado was presented this morning before the General Police Inspectorate as part of the proceedings for the complaint that was presented in this instance by the legal defense of Pedro Castillo.
The head of the PNP special team that supports the anti-corruption prosecutors led by Marita Barreto appeared for the summons that had been scheduled for 9:30 am and left at approximately 11 am.
LOOK: Pedro Castillo seeks to suspend Harvey Colchado and trap the tax investigations
Despite the questions of the journalists who consulted him about the event, Colchado left without answering, stating that he could not comment.
Amid signs of support from protesters waiting for him to leave the police headquarters on Av. Aramburú, Surquillo, Harvey Colchado withdrew.
Colonel PNP was summoned by the PNP General Inspectorate after Pedro Castillo’s lawyer, Eduardo Pachas, filed a disciplinary complaint against him by questioning his performance during the raid on the Government Palace residence.
Due to the alleged serious misconduct imputed to him by the head of state’s lawyer, it is requested that he be sanctioned with a retirement pass.