The PT candidate for the government of the state of São Paulo, Fernando Haddad, said today (28) that, if elected, the beneficiaries of the Auxílio Brasil program in the state will receive R$ 800 per month. The increase of R$ 200 in relation to the transfer of the federal program (which pays R$ 600) will be part of Auxílio Paulista, an initiative that, according to the candidate, will be created if he wins the elections.
“We concluded a study that Auxílio Brasil in São Paulo lacks due to the price of rent and food in the state. So, we are going to unify the income transfer programs and complement the aid amount by a third”, said Haddad on a visit to Franco da Rocha, in Greater São Paulo.
Earlier, on a visit to São Bernardo do Campo, the candidate spoke about his plans for agribusiness in the state. According to Haddad, climate change is already affecting the sector, which requires special attention from the government.
“We are concerned about the agriculture in São Paulo. The rainfall regime is changing very drastically. Medium and small producers are starting to lose productivity due to climate change. We have to support this farmer, especially the family farmer, he is the biggest victim of climate change. The agro never received as much support as it did in the Lula and Dilma governments and will continue to receive it,” he said.
Haddad’s opponent, Tarcísio de Freitas, from the Republicans, canceled the two agendas scheduled for today.