Former Prime Minister and Congressman Guido Bellido (Free Peru) questioned the so-called “truce” between the head of the Council of Ministers, Aníbal Torres, and the Congress of the Republic with a view to requesting a vote of confidence.
“The country does not need a truce, the country needs stability. Saying a truce is giving an opportunity and then I’ll attack you again, then I’m going to knock down the party and things shouldn’t be like that”, he stated in dialogue with the press upon his departure from the PCM headquarters.
In this sense, Bellido Ugarte considered that both powers of the State should “look in one direction”in order to improve the conditions of citizenship.
“Both the Legislative and the Executive have to look in one direction. That direction is to have a developed country, a country that does not have excluded peoples, a country with opportunities for all“, Held.
On the other hand, he referred to the constitutional accusation presented by Betssy Chávez (Democratic Peru) against María del Carmen Alva (Popular Action), president of the Parliament, for her participation in a meeting between legislators and opposition politicians, where allegedly they had discussed how to impeach the president peter castle.
For Guido Bellido, we should wait for the tensions between the Executive and Legislative to calm down so that the “waters return to their course”.
“Each bench is responsible for the actions it takes. And within this also the congressmen, to the extent that there is not so much harassment, conflict, so much instability, the waters will return to their cause”, he expressed.
“In that scenario, it is currently under evaluation. In particular, I have not presented any action of this nature, therefore, we must wait, it is important that the congressmen evaluate”, he concluded.
Guido Bellido declared to the media after visiting the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM). According to him, he indicated that his presence was due to a meeting with Braulio Grajeda, who is Deputy Minister of Territorial Governance of the PCM.