Since last November 14, the Secretariat of Social Integration started with payments of the Guaranteed Minimum Incomeor corresponding to September and October. They are carried out over the counter and are aimed at those beneficiaries who do not have a virtual wallet or who are still managing the procedure. At the same time, the government entity explained the reasons why some older people may not receive their monetary transfer.
According to the page of Social Integrationthere are some reasons why the beneficiary may not receive their corresponding payment. The entity then clarifies that “information about the beneficiaries is validated, with entities such as: the National Registry, the SISPRO Integration Platform (PISIS), the District Health Secretariat, the Social Integration Secretariat through the Subdirectorate for Old Age, and the National Department of Planning (DNP)”.
Some transfers may become inactive due to:
– Inconsistencies in names: The names registered in the IMG lists do not coincide by at least 60% with those registered in the National Registry.
– Errors in the telephone number: There are errors in the telephone number registered in the database of banking services for older people in the SIGLO system (Global Information System).
– Inconsistencies in marital status: The records indicate that the person is deceased or there are inconsistencies in the National Registry.
– Registered pension: Older people appear as pensioners in the Social Registry of Households (RSH), with the National Planning Department (DNP).
– News reported: The Subdirectorate for Aging has reported some news regarding the person.
– Incorrect document type: Citizens register with a type of document other than the ID in the database of the Subdirectorate for Old Age.
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What days will the Guaranteed Minimum Income payments be made?
Those who receive this social assistance and do not have a digital wallet They will be able to withdraw September and October payments in 900 Efecty pointspresenting your identity document and following the following scheme.
– Monday: documents ending in 1-2.
– Tuesday: documents ending in 3-4.
– Wednesday: documents ending in 5-6.
– Thursday: documents finished at 7-8.
– Friday: documents finished in 9-0.
– Saturday, Sunday and holidays: payments subject to availability.
Further: Which Sisbén groups receive aid from the Government in 2024?