On the second Sunday of Lent, Sergio Gualberti, Archbishop of Santa Cruz, called a radical change in our way of living, thinking and acting to transform the plague-stricken world violence, war and hatred.
“The word of God tells us that it is possible to transform ourselves and transform the disfigured world, scared and disoriented by so much hatred, violence, war and by the emptiness of a certain horizon of peace and achieve a better tomorrow for the victims of injustice, the downtrodden and downtrodden. Only if we do not lose hope, will we remain firm until we become citizens of heaven, which is our happy and definitive goal, “said the religious in his Sunday homily.
Gualberti recalled that on the second Sunday of Lent reminds us of a momentous event in the life of Jesus during his last trip to Jerusalem before his death and resurrection, when he went up to the Mount Tabor to make a prayer and at that moment “his face and his whole person they are transfigured and become very resplendent, as a sign of his glory as son of God”.
“Lhe scene of the transfiguration of Jesus full of light and of mystery represents in advance what awaits him after his crucifixion: the full happiness of the glory of the Father and the eternal lordship over humanity and the entire universe”, reflected Gualberti.
The highest representative of the Catholic Church in Santa Cruz added that the “Lent is the right time to climb Mount Tabor, make this wonderful experience put our eyes and trust in God, rise above evil, hatred and pettiness, put aside the worldly criteria of power, riches, fame and so many other idols, and get rid of mediocrity, superficiality and indifference in the face of so many suffering and needy brothers and sisters”.
He recalled that “the encounter with the transfigured Jesus gives us the strength toto overcome doubts and fears, transfigure our mind, our heart and our way of working”.