Great March of Educators of the Homeland in Caracas

Great March of Educators of the Homeland in Caracas

This Saturday the Great March of the Educators of the Homeland is taking place in Caracas, as part of the celebration of Teacher’s Day that will be commemorated this Sunday, January 15, and in support of the educational policies implemented by the national government and in rejection of illegal sanctions against the country.

The mobilization left at 10:00 in the morning from the Liceo Andrés Bello, in Parque Carabobo, to cross Avenida Universidad, Avenida José Vicente Rangel until reaching the corner of Carmelitas, on Avenida Urdaneta.

During the mobilization, the men and women, educators of the country, raised their voices to defend the achievements made in Revolution, despite the blockades and illegal sanctions imposed on the country by the United States government.

Likewise, the teachers and participants in the march called on the people not to fall for provocations to destabilize.

Active revolution in education

During the mobilization, the president of the National Unitary Teachers’ Force Union, Orlando Pérez, indicated that the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro; the Minister of Education, Yelitze Santaella; and the Minister of the Social Process for Work, Francisco Torrealba, have spoken out in defense of education, salary and job stability for educators.

“This Revolution established from its Constitution the human right to education, an old banner of the Venezuelan teachers, and today we cannot violate it,” he added.

Likewise, he urged educators not to abandon the classroom and to defend the educational community.

voices of teachers

Osvaldo Vera, one of the participants in the mobilization, stressed that this day “we celebrate with joy and enthusiasm the teachers, men and women who make training their way of life.”

He stressed that “today we have another educator and worker, President Nicolás Maduro, who supports the proposals of teachers and professors. Ever onward to victory”.

He warned that there are sectors that intend to use the protest struggles of the teachers to conspire.

«Those sectors that intend to use the vindictive struggles of educators for the conspiracy we tell them that they will not be able to pass, here there is a conscious and clear people of the union movement, that although it knows the difficulties, does not use that as a pretext to try to conspire and end with who have ultimately given well-being to Venezuelans first with Hugo Chávez and then with Nicolás Maduro”.

For his part, Leonardo Alvarado, from the educational zone of Aragua, said: “Today we come to defend the right of all workers, teachers and teachers, and to request no more blockade, no more sanctions, no more decrees.”

“Today there is a people who are aware and willing to guarantee peace,” he added.

Yadira Salazar, belonging to the educational circuit of Ciudad Caribia, said: “We reject the blockade and the sanctions imposed on the country that have only caused the kidnapping and loss of assets that were directed to our educational institutions and the improvements in our salaries.”

For his part, the president of the National Unitary Teachers’ Union, Orlando Pérez, supported the work carried out by the Bolivarian Government in defense of education and called on educators to defend the people from the classroom.

Monday 16 to resume classes

Lisandro Castillo, another teacher mobilized this Saturday through the streets of Caracas, stressed that “on Monday we will resume classrooms for quality education, for the future and for love of Venezuela.”

He called on all educators who are carried away by the empire not to join the activities that seek to set the streets on fire.

Juan Ruiz, another participant in the march, stressed that today’s people have a conscience, the same one that “Commander Chávez left us. Today we are aware that the Revolution is not the cause of the difficult economic situation, it is those who have called the strike those who keep our resources blocked.

For this reason, Ruiz added, “the call is to attend to the students in the classrooms, because the President will always comply with the teachers of the country.”

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