He kings day (January 6) is a celebration of great significance in the Dominican Republic. For the little ones in the house, this day is even more exciting than Christmas, since it is when they receive the gifts that the Three Wise Men left them!
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This holiday has its roots in Christian tradition and is inspired by the biblical story (located in Matthew 2:1-12) of the Three Wise Men, who visited the baby Jesus after his birth and brought him welcome gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh.
In allusion to this fact, some Dominican parents instill in their children the belief that, if they fulfill their duties during the year, when January 6 arrives they will receive gifts from the Three Wise Men.
As part of the tradition, children must leave grass and water for the camels of the Three Wise Men, as well as their shoes or socks, so that they can be filled with gifts.
Likewise, families take advantage of this festivity to gather, share special meals and enjoy the company of loved ones.
In addition, it is common to see Three Wise Men parades in many cities and towns, where the Kings distribute sweets and small gifts to children, keeping the celebration alive. spirit of the celebration.
During this festival, traditional songs are sung such as «Shepherds kept vigil in the night», which talks about the shepherds who received the news of the birth.