This Tuesday, the Executive power terminated the appointment of state attorney general, daniel soria. The provision was published in an extraordinary edition of El Peruano and has the rubrics of the President Pedro Castillo and the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Hannibal Torres.
The removal of Soria Luján takes place after the Comptroller detected that it does not meet the requirements established in the current regulationsTherefore, it does not qualify to assume the legal defense of the State.
Photo: Capture
“The appointment of the Attorney General of the State was made without having proven a track record in the legal defense of the State, as established by the regulations that regulate the requirements to access this position, having issued the supreme resolution of said designation without having the technical or legal report that supports it, a situation that affects the legality of the designation of its owner, ”reads an ex officio action report issued this Tuesday.
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In the aforementioned document, it is specified that the experience of Soria Lujan as deputy advisor on constitutional matters of the Ombudsman’s Office “is not suited to a task of legal defense of the State”, but to the protection of the constitutional and fundamental rights of the person and the community.
Comptroller’s report on the appointment of Daniel Soria. Photo: document
Daniel Soria was appointed Attorney General of the State in February 2020 with Supreme Resolution 017-2020-JUS, a document endorsed by former President Martín Vizcarra and former Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Ana Revilla.