The undersecretary of Public Health, José Luis Satdjian, expressed at the launch of the Breastfeeding Week that breastfeeding is a fundamental right from the first hour of life, so that the baby receives the necessary nutrients. He added that companies should have rooms for that purpose, and that parents should help, and he especially appreciated that Uruguay has milk banks as a substitute tool.
“The importance materializes in the fact that it is a week, which speaks of the health and affective accent, it is not just one day,” Satdjian emphasized, this Monday, August 1, at the opening of the dissemination actions that this year will be They celebrate under the motto “Let’s promote breastfeeding, supporting and educating”, until Sunday 7.
Also present at the activity were the head of the Ministry of Public Health (MSP), Daniel Salinas; the General Director of Health, Miguel Asqueta; the National Breastfeeding Coordinator, Laura Fazio, and the General Director of the Ministry of Labour, Valentina Arlegui.
Satdjian stressed that the act of breastfeeding strengthens the bond between mother and child, which is the first immunity for the baby to receive nutrients from breast milk, something essential for the development of his life. He also called for the responsibility of the father to be present, help and encourage breastfeeding.
He recalled the protective effects of breast milk for the health of young children and its incidence in the reduction of non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes and breast cancer in the mother.
The hierarch pointed out that Uruguay made progress in the labor sector, both in security and in the right to breastfeed.
He also mentioned that women who are unable to breastfeed can use the milk reserved in the various banks of the national territory, of which the Pereira Rosell Hospital Center is the benchmark, and added that it should be promoted that they be created in the departments that today do not have from them.
Asqueta detailed the policies promoted by the Government and society as a whole. In this sense, he said that the study and scientific research must support maternal nutrition, because nothing replaces this physiological and nutritional act.
He considered that in the assistance goals of the MSP, it was added in number one, which contemplates the accompaniment of women at discharge and pregnancy workshops, which contributes to global education, the desire and the right to breastfeed. “The news is that 100% of health providers have signed up,” she said.
“Breastfeeding is a shared task,” assured Asqueta, who warned that standards must be updated and alternatives recommended that support international actions.
Arlegui specified that companies are inspected so that they have a lactation room in their facilities and that public bodies provide their rooms to women who work on public roads.
The topics that will be addressed during this week will be the presentation of the results of the course Good Feeding Practices for Infants and Young Children 2021-2022; physiology and anatomy of the mammary gland from a lactation support perspective; frequent problems linked to breastfeeding; ankyloglossia in the baby, an interdisciplinary approach; high power laser in pediatric dentistry, report of clinical cases in babies.
To these are added the promotion of breastfeeding in the baby born prematurely, recommendations for the donation and conservation of human milk, practices that favor a correct establishment of breastfeeding and strategies to improve breastfeeding in the maternity of the Center Hospitaller Pereira Rossell. Presidency