The December Gas Aid begins to be paid, starting this Thursday (12), by the federal government. According to the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger (MDS), around 5.49 million families will receive the amount of R$104, released through the program.
Families with Social Registration Numbers (NIS) ending 1, 2 and 3 will receive today. For the other final digits of NIS, payment will follow the original Bolsa Família calendar, with gradual release until December 23rd – the day in which the benefit will be paid to families whose registration ends with the digit zero.
Gas Aid is paid every two months. This month, the program will benefit more than 16.9 million people, at a cost of R$570.6 million. In the Northeast Region alone, the forecast is to serve around 2.55 million families. Next come the Southeast regions (1.8 million); North (526.2 thousand); South (382.5 thousand) and Central-West (210.78 thousand).
Families whose NIS ends with the numbers 1, 2 and 3 will receive the December installment on the Auxílio Gás social platform, even those who normally receive the amounts in a bank account. If you do not withdraw by December 26th, the installments will be sent to bank accounts, which allow transactions via the Caixa Tem app and Bolsa Família debit card.
They can benefit from the program established in 2021, through Law No. 14,237families registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico), with monthly per capita family income less than or equal to half the minimum wage, including families benefiting from income transfer programs implemented by the three spheres of government.