July 19, 2023, 10:29 PM
July 19, 2023, 10:29 PM
The survey that revealed that Santa Cruz has 4 million inhabitants It will not be decisive for the completion of the Population and Housing Census that will be carried out in March of next year, because this work has no comparison with the national count, said the Minister of Development Planning, Sergio Cusicanqui, at a press conference.
“The exercise that has been carried out in Santa Cruz, through its Departmental Institute (of Statistics) it has not been a census as they themselves admit, but it has been a surveythen you cannot compare a survey with a Population and Housing Census that will be carried out only the following year and that will be the official data that will be published”, said the minister when asked about the data of the 4 million inhabitants.
On Tuesday, the director of the National Statistics Institute (INE), Humberto Arandia, reported that the Statistical Cartographic Update (ACE) is at 99.2% with seven departments that completed this work and only Cochabamba remains which has an advance of 99% and Santa Cruz which is the most delayed with 97% at the departmental level.
Minister Cusicanqui said that it is plausible that from the eastern capital the progress made by the INE regarding the Census is recognized“that they recognize is also a point in favor of the National Institute of Statistics”, said the authority.
Within this framework, he assured that the Political Constitution of the State (CPE) itself establishes that the only authorized entity for the elaboration of official statistics is the INE and that is how it will work. In Santa Cruz they vindicate the work of the departmental entity and believe that the results of that survey serve to corroborate those released by the Census in March 2024.
“There is only one entity that is linked to carrying out a Housing Population Census, the only entity that has the powers to carry out censuses is the INECusicanqui warned.
La Paz, Oruro, Potosí, Tarija, Chuquisaca, Beni and Pando These are the seven departments in which the ACE has already been completed; while in Cochabamba and Santa Cruz there is a lack of data collection in dispersed areas. At that point, Cochabamba reports 98.5% progress and Santa Cruz 73.3%.