May 19, 2023, 10:17 PM
May 19, 2023, 10:17 PM
The Santa Cruz Governorate reported this Friday that it released two cuyabos and two guajojós. Mariam Riojas, a veterinarian at the Wildlife Care and Referral Center (CAD), indicated that they were treated in that place because, when they entered, They were diagnosed with hypothermia and dehydration.
Once recovered, and when they showed a good state of health, the birds were released into the wild.
the guajojó It is a bird that measures between 33 and 38 centimeters, and weighs between 145 and 202 grams. It has large, yellow eyes; its plumage is greyish-brown to dark brown mottled, according to the DAC.
For his part, he cuyabo It is a slightly smaller bird: it measures from 27 to 30 centimeters. It has dark eyes, has a white collar on its chest, and has whisker-like feathers. It is used to resting or nesting on the ground.
The Government has the Live Fauna Line 800142052, to receive complaints of wild animals that are in danger.