A video posted on social media shows a police approach using force, in which a police officer knocks down a motorcyclist with a kick, while two other police officers approach him from the front. When questioned, the Public Security Secretariat condemned the approach and said it had no confirmation of the identity of the police officers involved.
The approach, published in video on the Itapevi News Oeste profile, took place in the Cohab neighborhood, in Itapevi, on the corner of Avenida Pedro Paulino and Rua Antonio Quintino de Oliveira, approximately 2 kilometers from the Military Police battalion. The report was unable to confirm that the police officers were from the unit. According to the production of the Itapevi News Oeste profile, the approach took place in the early hours of the 25th and there was a group of motorcyclists riding without helmets and spinning (when the driver forces the motorcycle to accelerate to make noise). In the video, two drivers appear on two motorcycles and they gesture and apparently talk to the police officers.
Note from the Secretariat
The Secretariat’s note, in its entirety, follows below: “The approach does not comply with the protocols of the State Military Police and the images shared by the report are under analysis so that the agents are properly identified for the application of appropriate measures. The institution reinforces its commitment to the safety of the population and does not condone misconduct. The PM’s Internal Affairs Department is also available to receive and investigate all complaints.”
The case repeats a sequence of flagrant questionable approaches by police officers, the subject of repeated complaints by NGOs and the São Paulo Police Ombudsman’s Officeespecially in the last two years. The violent and denounced approaches led to a change in the stance of governor Tarcísio de Freitas, who began to declare in favor of the use of cameras corporal injuries by police officers on duty.