Camilo Benítez, Comptroller General of the Republic, announced at a press conference that many people who did not deserve to receive state subsidies (such as Pytyvo at the beginning of the pandemic), ended up receiving aid.
“We even have public officials who have been paid. That is the way, the Comptroller’s proposal for later. Transfer this information. The amount we estimate is G. 20 billion of fraud for the State”, she stated in an interview with Ñanduti AM.
He maintained that a project that they will present is focused on improving the control of subsidies.
“We verify all the subsidies that were delivered in times of pandemic. There are people who charged in a pandemic and should not do so. Now it is too late, before we should have controlled, crossing the data in taxation, IPS, in the civil registry and more”, he pointed out.
He affirmed that the departmental and municipal governments, which are not even 5% of the PGN, are the most denounced.
“A lot has to do with the limitations of human resources to manage with the money of the municipalities. 90% of the complaints we have are related to mayors and governors, mainly because of the school snack, ”he concluded.