360 days from 2024, the Government has executed 91% of the Budget General of the Stateequivalent to one billion 434,553.9 million pesos. However, only 10.8% of that amount was allocated to capital expenditures, focused on investments planned for the year.
He budget The current amount approved through Law 26-24, which modifies Law 80-23 for this year’s budget year, was one billion 532,354.6 million pesos, but was increased to one billion 575,263.9 million during the reformulation process in the middle of the year.
According to the Directorate of Economic Studies of the General Directorate of Budget (Digepres), as of December 13 of this year, the investments of the Government They amounted to 155,280.2 million pesos. Of that figure, 57,786 million corresponded to transfers of capital granted, 49,517.3 million to constructions in progress, 46,339.8 million to fixed assets, among other expenditures.
The weekly Digepres report highlights an item of 53.9 million pesos for “valuable objects”, an item that was originally budgeted at 9.1 million at the beginning of the year. However, the budget reformulated increased that figure to 82.7 million pesos.
As for the transfersthe entity indicates that they are resources that the central government pays to other government agencies Governmentor to entities outside the government or abroad, whether in money or in kind, without receiving any service in return. This is done solely for the purpose that said resources contribute to certain economic and social policy objectives.
The expense current
The report also details what the resources assigned as expense currentpointing out that the largest proportion was concentrated in consumer payments, for 448,694.2 million pesos, 391,259.8 million in transfers and 250,527.2 million in interest from the debt public.
The line includes the expenses that the Government performs to fulfill its functions daily expenses, such as salaries and wages of officials and the acquisition of goods and services necessary for its operation.
The debt public
Of the resources accrued, 93,762.9 million pesos stand out in financial applications, the set of payment operations of the debt made by the Governmentwhether with an increase in financial assets or a decrease in liabilities, and which are included in the budget every year.
In that order, it is detailed that to reduce liabilities, that is, to reduce the debt89,127 million pesos have been allocated, and some 3,236.4 million to increase assets, obtained from the negotiations of titles and securities.