The Executive Power is evaluating the contracts of the concessionaires in charge of the tolls that have allegedly incurred arbitrary increases, the President of the Republic announced this Thursday, peter castle.
“The rise in tolls has unleashed a series of criticisms and complaints in the population. For this reason, we are evaluating the contracts of each concessionaire that arbitrarily raises its costs”, Said the president through his Twitter account.
“We will not allow irregular increases to harm the economy of Peruvians”, added the president.
The Lima Expresa company announced a few weeks ago that the tolls of the Vía de Evitamiento and the express route Línea Amarilla would have a rate of S/ 6.30, from S/ 5.90.
For its part, the company Rutas de Lima, which manages the tolls of the Panamericana Norte and the Panamericana Sur, announced the increase of S/ 1 in the toll rate, for which as of February 21 S/. / 6.50 to drivers.
Likewise, last month the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) announced tariff increases in the concessions: IIRSA Norte, IIRSA Sur Tramo 4, IIRSA Centro, Dv. Quilca–La Concordia, Red Vial N° 4 and Autopista del Sol that comprise a total of 3,301 kilometers of a total of 6,693 of the Concessioned Road Network (49%).