Santo Domingo.- The legal consultant of the Executive Power, Antoliano Peralta, denied that the act held on Sunday by the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM), which was headed by the president Louis Abinaderbe a declaration of the beginning of the electoral campaign, with a view to the elections of the year 2024.
The opposition parties described the act at the Palacio de los Deportes Virgilio Travieso Soto as “a campaign activity”, which was rejected by the official.
“Political parties have the right to work with their militancy all the time, what is prohibited is proselytizing campaigns, that is what the Law of Parties of the Central Electoral Board condemns,” he said.
The meeting held yesterday, Sunday, with the militancy of the ruling organization in which its new authorities were sworn in, was headed by President Abinader, who took advantage of the stage to invite members of his party to “go out into the streets and promote the work of the government”.