The Federal Government’s revenue closed the year 2024 at R $ 2.709 trillion, said the IRS on Tuesday (28). It is the highest value recorded in the historical series, which began in 1995, and represents a real growth of 9.6%, discounted inflation measured by the Ample Consumer Price Index (IPCA), in 2024 against the previous year. Discounted inflation, the government raised R $ 2.653 trillion in the year.
According to the revenue, the increase was mainly due to the expansion of economic activity that positively affected the collection and improvement in the collection of PIS/COFINS (Social Interaction Program/Contribution to Social Security Financing) due to the return of taxation on those fuels, among other factors.
In a press conference to present the data, the Special Secretary of the IRS, Robinson Barreirinhas, highlighted the increase in economic activity between the factors for the result.
“Large numbers reflect the important results of economic policy in recent years, from the reactivation of the economy we have seen last year and that results in this spectacular result. We had the reactivation of integer sectors of the economy that, with this warming, re -collecting relevant tax amounts. The historic minimum of unemployment in Brazil, the large increase in salary land, which play a very important role in the collection of 2024, ”said the secretary.
Also contributing to the record collection the growth in income tax collection (IRRF Capital) on funds tax and the performance of import tax and IPI linked to importation, due to the increase of the average tax rates of these taxes.
“[Esse resultado reflete] A less repressive federal revenue and more adviser, acting on the exemption of the small taxpayer, the productive entrepreneur and focusing on the inspection and collection in those who previously did not contribute to a fair portion, specifically in the large passive rents in Brazil, in the taxation of the Super “Rica,” he said. “We worked to bring to taxation those who were not, to bring to taxation those with patrimony of hundreds of millions of reais in closed funds, in other countries, and never collected,” added Barreirinhas.
Last year, the main indicators pointed to good macroeconomic performance of the productive sector. Industrial production has grown 3.22%; the sale of goods, 3.97%; and the sale of services, 2.9%. The dollar value of imports was a positive result of 8.65% and the growth of salary was 11.78%.
Among the taxes, the collection of COFINS/PIS-Pasep added R $ 541.743 billion, an increase of 18.6% over 2023. Social security contributions closed at R $ 685.012 billion, growth of 5.34% in relation to at 2023; Import and IPI-IPI tax, with collection of R $ 109.608 billion, an increase of 33.75% compared to 2023.
IRRF-Capital Reviews closed last year with a collection of R $ 146.539 billion, growth of 13.12%. Already the tax on the income of the legal entity (IRPJ) and the social contribution on net income (CSLL) raised R $ 502.720 billion, up 2.85%.
In the sectoral clipping, the highest nominal revenues in 2024 were in the areas of wholesale trade, which collected R $ 171,285 billion; Financial entities, R $ 288,621 billion; FUELS, R $ 105.354 billion; auxiliary activities of the financial sector, R $ 86.044 billion; and car manufacturing, with R $ 63.907 billion.
The result of the collection was also positive in December last year, being 7.78% above inflation and collecting R $ 261.265 billion.