As part of the process of buying fertilizers in the international market, the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigationthrough the Agro Rural program, approved the guidelines for contracting goods and services with suppliers not domiciled in the country.
This measure comes after the Government last week approved Emergency Decree No. 013-2033, which assigned Midagri the sum of S/ 348 million to acquire nitrogenous fertilizer (urea) on the foreign market, in favor of producers. less favored agrarians, whose amount includes operating expenses in the distribution for farmers who lead agricultural units of up to five hectares.
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In this sense, the approval of the guidelines for said contracting indicates the need to provide a procedural mechanism to Agro Rural, in order to contribute to greater efficiency in contracting with suppliers not domiciled in Peru, as well as to homogenize the processes that guarantee transparency, efficiency and effectiveness in the use of the entity’s resources.
The measure also seeks to maximize the value of institutional resources and promote the performance of Agro Rural, under a results-based management approach in the contracting of goods and services, in such a way that they act in a timely manner and under the best conditions of price, quality and delivery, guaranteeing the fulfillment of goals and objectives of the sector.
In the same way, it provides that the Administration Unit and the Supply Sub-Unit disseminate the approved guidelines to all the units and Sub-Units of the Agro Rural program.