The Minister of Justice and Public Security, Ricardo Lewandowski, announced on Wednesday (29) the holding of a new contest of the Federal Police that will fill 2 thousand new vacancies, expanding the number of members of the corporation from 13 thousand to 15 thousand police officers . According to him, this replenishes the History of the PF. The announcement was made at the Planalto Palace, after a meeting with President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who authorized the public selection.
“Another 2,000 federal police that will be distributed throughout Brazil, very important to combat organized crime, the security of our borders and to combat environmental crime,” said Lewandowski, detailing that the president authorized the call of 1,000 professionals by 2025 and a thousand in 2026. He was accompanied by Minister of Management and Innovation in Public Services, Esther Dweck. According to her, the interministerial ordinance with the authorization for the contest, including the exact number of vacancies and positions, will be published within two weeks.
The vacancies will be distributed among all five PF positions: Delegate, Registrar, Papilocopista, Agent and Expert.
“The president gave a great priority for this contest. And we are announcing right now, before others [concurso] That we will announce throughout the year so that they will enter as soon as possible. It has a whole long process and the effective entry should occur at the end of this year or only next year, “said the minister.
Also according to Esther Dweck, government calculations are in line with the economy of $ 1 billion in public tenders announced by the minister’s folder at the end of last year, and which is in the annual budget law, and will not be affected by this new selection .