The Brazilian government’s relationship platform with the citizen, the, reached 130 million users. The number is equivalent to 80% of the population over 18 in the country, according to the Special Secretariat for Debureaucratization, Management and Digital Government of the Ministry of Economy.
There are 4,900 services offered on the platform, such as digital transit and work cards, salary allowance, vaccination certificate, Unified Selection System (Sisu), National High School Exam (Enem) and Student Financing Fund (Fies ).
This year, different user profiles were added to the platform: entrepreneur, driver, worker and the newest profile of student.
silver and gold
Currently, 40 million users of the platform have silver or gold access, which makes it possible to use services that require greater security, including against fraud. This is the case of access to the e-CAC of the Federal Revenue Service and the Amounts Receivable from the Central Bank.