In the morning hours of Tuesday, the prosecutor Osmar Legal and his team raided the home of Arnaldo Giuzzio, former Minister of the Interior. The former Secretary of State stated that he challenged Legal at the time, so this raid is part of a political “vendetta” (revenge) during an interview for 730 AM.
“They are entering my home, they are reviewing my documents. It is part of the vendetta, of what we denounced last time, when information was leaked that came from another place, not from the Ministry of the Interior or the National Police. I estimate that the raid started at 7 in the morning, ”he said.
Giuzzio finds himself returning from the interior. He affirmed that they requested copies of the tax file that weighs against him but they denied him for what he does not know the reason for the raid. Only his niece was in his home at the time of the operation.