Minister Gilmar Mendes of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) suspended on Wednesday (12) the investigation that investigates the former governor of Goiás Marconi Perillo. According to information released by the Supreme Court, the decision was motivated by a habeas corpus filed by the defense.
Perillo is investigated by the Federal Police (PF) For alleged health irregularities during its management in the State Executive, between 2012 and 2018. The case is processed at the 11th Federal Criminal Court of Goiás.
In the decision, Gilmar Mendes stated that the court already has a majority to form a new understanding of the reach of the privileged forum. Thus, even after the end of the public manager’s mandate, the politician must continue to respond to the accusations in the same court. The Superior Court of Justice (STJ) is responsible for the judgment of governors.
Based on this understanding, the minister understood that the investigation must be suspended to avoid illegal embarrassment and the presentation of a complaint in a court that has no competence to analyze the issue.
The decision of the minister will be tried in the virtual plenary of the Court between 21 and 28 of this month.
In September last year, the STF plenary formed a score of 6 votes to 2 to sign a new understanding of the privileged forum. However, the trial was suspended by a request for a view of Minister Nunes Marques.
From the understanding, the privileged forum of a federal parliamentarian (deputy or senator) is maintained in the Supreme Court if the crime has been committed during the exercise of the parliamentary function. This is the rule valid today. However, in the case of resignation, non -reelection or cancellation, the process will also be kept in the court.