Every January 6, at the Descent of Kingsin the district of Tiabaya in Arequipa we have lunch on Pear Timpuscaa delicious dish with the fruit that in the past was produced in large quantities in this part of the city.
This soup contains lamb, chalona, patasca (wheat), cochayuyo, bledo (wild herbs), broad beans, black chuño and pears. This fruit is boiled in another pot and added to the timpusca before serving.
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The delicious stew is still made in Tiabaya, as a way of maintaining the custom of colonial period, when in this district the Bajada de Reyes and the shaking of pear trees were celebrated.
To maintain the tradition, this morning the same was done, after the arrival of the Magi, Gaspar, Melchior and Baltazar, the pear tree shakebecause there are no longer these trees and then they staged the birth of baby Jesus.