December 17, 2024, 3:00 AM
December 17, 2024, 3:00 AM
The results of these “partial” Judicial Elections will not change the Administration of Justice in any way: the current system will continue; it will not improve the quality of the service that must be provided to the population; The independence of the State Bodies will not be recovered; the CPE will continue to be trampled; The politicians continue to use the population.
Faced with this, let us take into account that these “partial” Judicial elections are the previous route to the possible General Elections of August 2025, and there are many aspects to take into account:
The first thing is that there are already a number of established voting tables and precincts, and a consolidated Electoral Registry.
The second thing is that political power has all the resources in its favor, so by 2025, citizen action and control over each and every electoral stage must be stronger, and accompanied by technology. Although a lot of effort is required of us citizens, we must continue in this task of defending democracy.
The third thing, that the electoral processes will no longer be defined only by the number of votes, but in a judicial manner, and we have seen that the TCP and the Administration of Justice have already set a terrible precedent: that a single person can paralyze elections; Imagine the scenario where “partial” General Elections are held, and that in the regions where those in power could lose, they are paralyzed or suspended “until further notice,” and that they are only allowed in the departments where they can win. We are heading that way.
The fourth: due to the validity of article 88 (last part) of Law No. 026 of June 30, 2010 (Electoral Regime Law), which prohibits the TSE from carrying out two different electoral processes at the same time, if the TCP wish, since it is the new suprapower that operates above the Political Constitution itself, the partial Judicial Elections part II can be held in 2025, moving the elections to 2026. General Elections, and extend all those of the Legislative and Executive Body.
Fifth: we have seen that political agreements are useless, since the TSE asked politicians to guarantee complete Judicial Elections, but, in exchange, we had partial ones.
Sixth: we must immediately end the illegal and illegitimate mandate of the self-extended magistrates.
What is asserted are not only reasonable doubts, but the reality that is experienced; The current political system is dying, and, therefore, its attacks will be stronger, not only against the Constitution, but against our individual and collective rights; The great changes were never a gift from the political class, but from the citizen struggle, and, today more than ever, we must put the country on our shoulders for the Bolivia we want.