“According to File Provision No. 02-2011-2°FPPCCH., issued on August 1, 2011 by the Second Corporate Criminal Provincial Prosecutor of Chicha, it was decided to declare that IT IS NOT PROCEEDING TO FORMALIZE AND CONTINUE WITH THE PREPARATORY INVESTIGATION against, among others persons, Rossana Patricia Bravo Meneses, for the alleged commission of a crime against property, in the form of aggravated theft, to the detriment of the banking entities Banco de Crédito del Perú, Interbank, Banco Continental, Scotiabank, Banco de la Nación, ordering the definitive file of the proceedings.”
Two people outside the Law who operated under the modality of the well-known “Tarjetazo” were intervened by Chincha police officers after follow-up work and in response to a complaint from several local banks.
It was precisely the videos of said financial institutions that helped identify these subjects for their subsequent capture. It would be the people of Rossana Bravo Meneses (25) and Erick Colán Supo (29), who have been denounced for the Crime against Property – Aggravated Theft of Money from ATMs to the detriment of Banco de Crédito, Interbank and others.
It is estimated that only in Banco de Crédito there would be a total of 8 affected, while the real numbers of those affected in other banking entities have yet to be determined.
In the videos -already viewed by agents of the National Police- the cunning with which these act subject to the margin of the law to commit their misdeeds, even in complicity with a female and other subjects not yet found.