The director of Monetary Policy at the Central Bank, Gabriel Galípolo, said this Friday (15) that the world is at a “bifurcation” regarding the global financial architecture, which is being debated at the G20, held in Rio de Janeiro . Galípolo added that globalization was successful, but there was a lack of insertion of management criteria regarding sustainability and social and environmental justice. In this way, the international scenario has questioned what the future of globalization will be.
“Some global leaders question this architecture and want to go back, in the sense of let’s deglobalize, let’s nationalize, what’s wrong is the fault of someone else who comes from outside. This is a political aspect and there is another, which seems quite clear that This is what Brazil has been advocating, to reglobalize”, stated the director in the New Global Architecture panel at G20 Talks, included in the G20 Social program.
“The proposal for this new global architecture, which Brazil has aligned with and defended, is how it is possible for us not to deglobalize. There is no satisfaction for us as a people, knowing that the success of my country and my economy is based on the exploitation or problems of another people”, he said, adding that the new architecture needs to go beyond commercial advantages, and seek success in the social and environmental areas.
Interest Rates and Trump
Regarding the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States, Galípolo stated that there is a tendency for inflation to increase as a result of his victory.
“If Trump is going to combat immigration, there will soon be an increase in labor in the United States. If Trump is going to impose more import tariffs, prices will rise. This idea also caused a rise in interest rates”, said the future president of the BC, adding that long and short-term rates have already risen in the United States.
For German economist Isabella Weber, the tendency is that the new North American government could intensify trade disputes, making international cooperation more difficult. During the campaign, Trump said he intends to raise taxes on imported products and provide greater protection for national production.
“We need cooperation to move to a new way of organizing. The challenges are that we are at the same time on track to increase confrontations. After the United States election, we will have more trade wars, more confrontations, more tensions, which will make it more difficult for the international community to come together and cooperate”, he pointed out at the meeting.
Gender and race
For digital communicator, Nath Finances, the new global financial order has to take into account part of the population that is unaware of how the economy works and how, for example, the inflation process evolves.
“Financial education is important. When I hear that financial education is just about talking about investments, I say, no, this person doesn’t live the Brazilian reality. Financial education is not just for rich people, to talk about how much you spend and how much you earn. It is understanding the mechanisms of the Selic rate, inflation, the Stock Exchange, the financial market in general and the policy that is made in the Monetary Policy Committee, which affect our financial life”, he explained.
Another concern, according to her, is the growing number of bets. “This is very urgent, it’s not just having a conversation with the press. We really need to regularize it in the best possible way, so that the person doesn’t end up with a snowball, which will directly affect inflation. If there is no money circulating and the person is spending it on Tigrinho or on the plane, there is no money circulating in the economy. This is what affects people’s financial lives. When we talk about inflation, there is no point in using difficult words in Economist”, he observed.
Nath Finance defended the inclusion of gender and race data among women who invest. “Recently, B3 [Bolsa de Valores] celebrated the number of women investing in the stock market, but who are these women? They are white, black, rich, class C, D and E, how does it work? We don’t have this data. They only portray that we have women”, he highlighted.
“It is necessary to understand what they invest in, where they are going, if they are successful in the market, if they are starting a business or not, because they want the business, they often enter out of necessity”, he added.