SLP, Mexico.- Leaked documents, to which the newspaper had access Miami Heraldrevealed that the Cuban military, who have control of GAESA, the regime’s business conglomerate, have saved billions of dollars, while the people suffers shortages of medical supplies, basic goods and hunger.
Financial records obtained by Miami Herald They state that the Gaviota company, which manages tourist hotels, has more than 4,261 million dollars in bank accounts.
That figure, the media explained, is almost 13 times the $339 million that the government claims to require to annually purchase medicines for Cubans.
In assets, Seagull It has about 88.6 billion pesos, including 51 billion in “long-term or permanent investments.” The company has declared 16.6 billion pesos in “net worth.”
Is it the embargo?
Although the regime blames the US embargo for the systemic crisis in the country, the documents show that GAESA has income to cover the needs of the population.
The information also indicates that Almest, another company of the GAESA conglomerate, dedicated to the construction of hotels, received 668 million pesos from the state budget, to the detriment of sectors such as Health and Education.
In “state/public sector” investments, Almest declared 4.7 billion pesos as part of its capital. However, he only declared two million pesos in taxes and contributions to the State budget.
Although the regime does not have liquidity To settle its debts with different countries, Almest would have received a loan from foreign sources to build hotels and would be paying in the long term 45,000 million Cuban pesos (about 1,800 million dollars).
In assets, the company declared 56.5 billion pesos, including 20 billion in permanent investments in “buildings and constructions” and 50 billion pesos in liabilities.
As the country collapses, the Government continues to divert money for its companies.
“GAESA keeps this financial information secret and even protects its accounts from government auditors, making what the documents reveal even more significant. The documents cast doubt on the government’s claims that it has no money to alleviate the growing humanitarian crisis,” the report states. Miami Herald.
The bet on tourism
Tourism, considered by officials as the “locomotive of the Cuban economy,” continues to be the justification for investing enormous sums in a sector that has not recovered its numbers prior to the coronavirus pandemic.
The economist Cuban Pedro Monreal He considered it a lie and a hallucination that the regime continues to use that term to refer to the tourism company, something that only serves to explain the Government’s “nonsense” investment policy.
“They lie blatantly. There is not a single official Cuban statistic that supports such a hallucination. “They try to justify the crazy investment policy that has relegated food security, infrastructure and basic services,” he wrote in x the Cuban expert.
With the discourse that tourism is the basis of the Cuban economy, they inject a large volume of money. And this year the Cuban regime doubled investment in hotels and restaurants.
If in 2023 they were invested in these items 2,325 million of pesos between January and June, during the same period that figure rose to 4,931 in 2024, which implied an increase of 112%, according to published official figures.
In the Business Services sector, real estate and rental activities, which includes the construction of hotels, 11,389 million pesos were allocated, 26.4% of the total budget.
Hotels and restaurants (with 11.4%) and the previous sector (26.4%), followed by the manufacturing industry (with 19.5%), add up to more than 50% of the total investments in the country.