The next livestock minister, Alfredo Fratti, presented the team that will integrate the portfolio and said that, when choosing them, he took into account the “technical suitability and the contact with the place that each of them will occupy”.
“We believe in institutional memory and believe that we have to feed that those officials who are in a certain unit of the State can be directors,” said Fratti.
The future minister appointed as undersecretary to the Ing. Agr. Matías Carámbula, Who, in addition to having a master’s degree in Agricultural Sciences, has had a long career in the academic field and in the management in the Canelones government, as general director of the Rural Development Agency.
Meanwhile, the Dr. Cecilia Riera, Who since 2005 has served as an advisor in budgetary, legal and human resources in different executing units of the MGAP, will be the new general director of the Secretariat.
Yamilia Olivera, Bachelor of Environmental Management and Marinera, will hold the position of National Director of Aquatic Resources. He is a teacher in biological sciences, oceanography, fishing biology, fishing art design and manipulation of capture. He has experience in shipments as a scientific observer on board and until 2023 he worked as an environmental and quality head in Terminal Cuenca del Plata.
The General Director of Natural Resources will be the Ing. Agr. Gustavo Garibottowho is a teacher and researcher and worked for the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Meanwhile, the General Director of Agricultural Services will be the Ing. Agr. Agustín Guidice, who has worked as a consultant and advisor for agricultural companies.
He Dr. Marcelo Rodríguez He was appointed in the position of Livestock Services Director. He is currently in charge of the Planning and Evaluation Unit of the General Directorate of Livestock Services (DGSG) of the MGAP.
The Agronomist and Master, Laura González, He will be in charge of the General Directorate of the Farm. Since 2021, the Disciplinary Group of Rural Extension of the Department of Social Sciences of the Udelar Agronomy Department has been 2021. She was already a national director of the farm from 2010 to 2015.
The General Directorate of Rural Development will be led by the Ing. Agro. Mag Gabriel Isolawhile the Forest General Directorate will have to the Forest Ing. Agr. Gastón Martínez Alfaro, who since 2018 to the current one serves as a coach in the MGAP sustainable forest management department.
Meanwhile the President of the National Institute of Vitiviniculture (INAVI) will be Diego Spinoglio, Fourth generation wine producer in Uruguay. The vice president will be Nicolás Monforte, an oenology technician.
At the head of the National Institute of Meat (INAC) will be the Gastón Scayola accountant And as vice president, Ing. Agr. Leonardo Bove.
The president of the National Colonization Institute will be Eduardo Vierawho was director, vice president and president of the National Association of Milk Producers between 2005 and 2021.
At the head of the National Institute of Seeds will be the Ing. PhD. Guillermo GalvánDoctorate in plant genetic improvement from the Wageningen University, Netherlands.