If you happen to be carrying a love journal and decide to get rid of it, don’t throw it out on the street just like that, because a curious journalist may trip over it and stand between passing cars, not listening to warnings. horn because they shout louder those words shining on the asphalt:
I have hesitated to write these lines because, to a certain extent, I feel that I am profaning a secret, that I am making the very intimate feelings of two people public.
But she or he was not careful to protect their history.
And… what if it wasn’t them? What if for some unknown reason these pages were left in the hands of other people who didn’t care and decided to throw them in the trash?
They were probably inside the nearby container, but since it was overflowing, perhaps the wind played its tricks and decided to blow these pages away so that, precisely, they would be rescued.
Whatever the reasons and circumstances surrounding this diary, I have omitted names and places that allow the protagonists to be identified in the transcribed fragments.
And yes HER and HE they stumble upon this text, let us know how their story ended, that they promised each other it would end in eternity and that in the diary it ends with this invitation: