The Ministry of Health updated the number of monkeypox infections, reporting that cases increased from 141 to 189 as of Monday, August 15.
As reported TVNthe portfolio indicated that “from June 17 to August 15, 2022, 190 cases of monkeypox were reported in Chile; 189 confirmed cases and one probable case. Another 132 cases that have entered surveillance were ruled out by the Institute of Public Health”.
93% of infected people (177 cases) reside in the Metropolitan region; 1.6% (3) in the Antofagasta region and another 1.6% (3) in the La Araucanía region.
In addition, they announced that “other regions that have presented cases with Coquimbo, Valparaíso, O’Higgins and Los Lagos.”
As for the age of those infected, the cases occur between 17 and 63 years of age, “with a median of 34 years.” And the group “concentrates the largest number of cases is the one between 30 and 39 years old.”