The Martial Court on Thursday granted bail to the former commander in chief of the Army, Óscar Izurieta Ferrer, who is being investigated for embezzlement of reserved expenses in the so-called Milicogate.
The visiting minister of the Martial Court, Romy Rutherford, rejected this Wednesday to grant the bail measure. Her defense appealed, and she will be able to leave the Peñalolén Military Police Battalion, where she was serving preventive detention.
Izurieta was prosecuted for the crimes of embezzlement of public funds and forgery of a military document. Specifically, he was held responsible for the misuse of funds allocated to the institution in the amount of $6,374,996,162, between 2006 and 2010.
The case of Fraud in the Army -also known as Milicogate- has more than 30 edges that are being investigated by Minister Romy Rutherford. Currently, the case has more than 50 defendants, among which are also Generals (r) Juan Miguel Fuente-Alba and Humberto Oviedo.