It was learned that he delivered a house directly to a Montevideo lobbyist, and the newspaper El País noted that there were “five” more in that modality. The now senator Irene Moreira compared her management with that of the Broad Front in her party speech upon resignation. Now it is necessary to make known the 70 houses that the FA delivered in its management.
The former Minister of Housing, when speaking that she complied with the order of the President of the Republic, Luis Lacalle, to resign from the ministry, did not allow the press to ask her questions, she only spoke what she wanted, accompanied by lobbyists who applauded her, and withdrew in the midst of a shower of questions that remained unanswered.
The former minister and now a senator, because she will return to her position in the Upper House, maintained that the direct delivery of “a house” did not violate “any law.” And she pointed out that “this same procedure was used by the (previous) government in the 15 years that preceded this administration on more than 70 occasions.”
The accusation of former minister Moreira cannot fall on deaf ears, if it is true it should say who granted and to whom “70” homes as she did five or six times.