“We join the sorrow that overwhelms family and friends, wishing them prompt resignation,” they said in a statement.
The deputies and the deputies of the LXV Legislature regret the sensitive death of the lawyer:
Daniel Picazo
Who until March 2022 served as advisor in this Chamber.
We join the sorrow that overwhelms family and friends, wishing them early resignation. pic.twitter.com/YLzHMtGTLj
– Chamber of Deputies (@Mx_Diputados)
June 12, 2022
Residents of the municipality of Puebla cornered Picazo in his truck, demanded that he get out of it and lynched him.
State authorities arrived in the area when Daniel Picazo no longer had vital signs. Local officials were unable to contain the people who attacked the lawyer.
So far, no information has been reported through official channels about the arrest of those involved.