The presidents of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, and of the Federal Supreme Court, Luiz Fux, joined Rodrigo Pacheco and Arthur Lira, presidents of the Senate and Chamber, in a solemn opening session of the work of the Congress in 2022 this Wednesday afternoon ( two).
Pacheco and Lira arrived at the Congress just before 4 pm. Soon after, the National Anthem was played while the traditional Salute of Gala, with 21 cannon shots, was performed in front of the water mirror of Congress.
During the opening of the legislative year, President Jair Bolsonaro was responsible for the first speech of the solemn session. Bolsonaro took stock of some measures taken by the government in 2021 and cited projects he considered important for the year ahead.
According to the president, the government has spared no efforts to save lives and preserve jobs and fight the pandemic. He also highlighted the purchase and distribution of vaccines. He recalled the heavy rains of recent weeks, which fell in northeastern and southeastern states. He stated that the government provided almost R$2 billion for the recovery of these locations. He also recalled the creation of Auxílio Brasil, an income transfer program that replaced Bolsa Família.
The president also celebrated the decision of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to invite Brazil to join the organization. Bolsonaro devoted little time in his speech to project the year 2022 in Congress. He stated that there are three projects considered a priority by the government and that deserve attention from Congress. These are the projects of electricity bill portability, the tax reform, which is being processed in the Senate; and the project that brings changes related to the use of guarantees to obtain credit in the country, called Marco Legal das Garantias.
Bolsonaro ended his speech defending that the internet is an environment free of regulation. “In 2022 we will continue to work for the development, progress and well-being of our people. Always on top of our principles, values and democracy. You will never see me asking in this parliament for the regulation of the media and the internet. I hope this is not regulated by any other Power.”
Then, in a short speech, the President of the Federal Supreme Court, Minister Luiz Fux, highlighted the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, which caused the death of more than 600,000 Brazilians.
“The COVID-19 virus pandemic has tragically devastated more than 5 million lives around the world, claiming 600,000 Brazilians. At the same time, countless families have suffered from the socioeconomic effects of this health crisis, living with unemployment and lack of means”.
Legislative Year
In an election year, the work should be more concentrated in the first semester, since from the second semester onwards, deputies and senators start to dedicate themselves more to their electoral campaigns, seeking reelection. But there is an extensive and intense agenda on the Congressional agenda this year. Among the forecasts for analysis by congressmen in 2022 is the administrative reform (PEC 32). Approved by a special committee, the matter awaits analysis by the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies.
The proposal provides for a reduction of up to 25% in salaries and working hours of public servants and the forecast that the Union, states and municipalities sign contracts with public and private bodies and entities for the execution of public services. The text also resumes the forecast of temporary hiring of servers for a period of up to ten years.
On the agenda of the Senate’s Constitution and Justice Committee (CCJ), tax reform is considered a priority by the committee’s chairman, Senator Davi Alcolumbre (DEM-AP). He intends to schedule the reading of the report, by Senator Roberto Rocha (PSDB-MA), in early February. Furthermore, Alcolumbre plans to take the proposal to the House plenary in February and, along with it, a request for urgency in dealing with the matter.
Also in the Senate, the vote on the bill for contain the rise and lack of predictability in fuel prices.
Article updated at 6:19 pm for additional information
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