Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed Wednesday night the start of a “military operation” in eastern Ukraine. Fact that marks the peak of the conflict between these countries and that has been rejected across the board by various international authorities. A conflict that is the most dangerous since the Second World War and that already has more than 40 soldiers and 10 civilians dead after the Russian invasion.
As a result of this and through Twitter, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile referred to the current situation faced by the nations, calling for a peaceful solution to the conflict.
“Faced with the serious events in eastern Ukraine and, in particular, in Donetsk and Luhansk, Chile calls for a peaceful solution to the conflict in accordance with the Minsk Agreements, endorsed by Res. 2202/2015 of the Security Council of United Nations,” he stressed.
“Chile calls to respect the UN Charter, which in its Article 2 establishes fundamental principles of International Law, including not resorting to the threat or use of force, respect for sovereignty and independence and territorial integrity. of the states,” he added.
Along the same lines, the Foreign Ministry advised that the conflict must be resolved peacefully, adhering to the regulations in force in the various international treaties.
“Any solution must be through dialogue in accordance with International Law and must consider the interests of all parties,” he concluded.
Given the serious events in eastern Ukraine and, in particular, in Donetsk and Luhansk, Chile calls for a peaceful solution to the conflict in accordance with the Minsk Agreements, endorsed by Res. 2202/2015 of the United Nations Security Council United. (1/3)
– Chilean Foreign Ministry ?? (@Minrel_Chile) February 23, 2022