Foreign Secretary, Marcelo Ebrardreported that he tested positive for Covid-19 so you will fulfill your duties from home.
From his Twitter account he assured that there is nothing to worry about.
“In my test today I came out positive for COVID-19. So I will be working from home. I feel like when you get a cold, nothing to worry about. Today I was not in the Security Cabinet. I am informing you, ”she wrote on the social network.
In my test today I came out positive for COVID-19. So I will be working from home. I feel like when you get a cold, nothing to worry about. Today I was not in the Security Cabinet. I am informing you.
– Marcelo Ebrard C. (@m_ebrard)
June 20, 2022
It is the first time that the official is infected.
Last weekend, the foreign minister was in Guadalajara, Jalisco, at the first Meeting of Local Deputies and Councilors of Morena held at Expo Guadalajara.
Likewise, he uncovered his aspiration to be Morena’s candidate for the 2024 presidential election.
“The President has already uncovered me five times, in the morning, so you can already consider me uncovered, then we are already a recognized corcholata and it is not an event to say something that we all know,” he declared.
And he assured that he will seek to visit the 32 states of the country before beginning to make proposals.