August 29, 2022, 4:05 AM
August 29, 2022, 4:05 AM
The government has just shown that it has an overwhelming majority among public employees, which can give it a wrong idea of reality, similar to the one it has about the economic situation.
You can march as many employees as you like, like the feudal lords who would have their servants line up to greet visitors at the gates of their castles, but you can never say that all of them would vote for you in a democratic election.
In the same way, the Government mentions some figures of the economy, but does not want to admit that things are bad, that the Dignity Bonus is at risk, that the currency could be devalued, that there are no more dollars to continue importing gasoline and less to continue to subsidize its price.
Celebrating the departure of public employees as if it were a victory is the same as celebrating the enumeration of the incomplete figures of the economy as a success. It is a self-delusion that does not even serve to deceive public employees, because they know how things are.
But it is already known that politics consists of deceit, many of them consensual, especially if they occur among those who wield power. The employees who marched in support of the Government know that it is a house of cards, which could collapse even at a sigh.
What is impressive is that the MAS leaders are determined to believe their own deceptions, their own lies, aware that all their possibilities, all of them, could collapse if the elements of the fraud that was discovered in 2019 and was applied anyway were eliminated. in 2020.
The marches that have been promoted and financed with state money are effects of lights and shadows, like the famous case of Plato’s cave, in which only the shadows of those who pass through the surface can be seen.
It is the “reality” that public employees can see, even though they know that something else is happening on the surface, in the open.
They should know that drug trafficking supported by some government officials is not part of reality either. Nor the coca grower’s determination to turn Bolivia into the Afghanistan of South America.
Those who want to live deceived by this game of mirrors and lights must bring the news that people know what is true. The deceptions are too superficial.