October 5, 2022, 8:30 AM
October 5, 2022, 8:30 AM
The supplement Para Ellas of EL DEBER in this month, which is dedicated to raising awareness and fighting the early diagnosis of breast cancer, has been carrying out awareness campaigns in the country for more than 20 years.
“22 years ago, Dr. Carlos Paniagua León with the UDIME team, in collaboration with the Importadora Gedesa and the magazine Para Ellas of EL DEBER began the campaigns in Bolivia. Dr. Paniagua remembers the first launches, when people were not yet aware, when achieving press coverage was always a challenge, when we were looking for the best way to spread and generate awareness, year after year and always with teamwork we improved. ”, told Carmiña Fernandez Editor of Para Ellas.
This year the Pink month will be inaugurated outside of Manzana 40on Thursday at 19:30, the building will be painted completely pink to kick off the magazine’s awareness campaign.
Now too the company Publi Group will join forces with the magazine EL DEBER and will help with all the graphic image and graphic advertising to promote the awareness message about the disease, said Gabriela Jiménez, general manager of Publi Group.
In addition to this activity, the magazine will publish notes and interviews with specialists on care and the importance of the global campaign that is part of the prevention of breast cancer. On Wednesday 12 the topics start with: The best cure is prevention and early diagnosis. Wednesday 19: World Day. A timely mammogram saves lives and Wednesday 26: The myths of breast cancer.