According to the report, Guido Manini Ríos, his wife, Minister of Housing Irene Sosa, and her father, Roque Moreira, are settlers. «What must be clear is that those who make this report are the same who made the previous one and the previous one. They are the Frente Amplio lawyers, who, at the request of the Frente Amplio director (Andrés Berterreche), make this report,” said Senator Manini.
The leader of Cabildo Abierto said that “what is sought is to install the idea of a big lie that was demonstrated with the report of the main professors of Agrarian Law, who determined that it is outrageous to say that I, my wife or my father-in-law were once settlers.
Regarding the particular situation of his father-in-law, the lobbyist added: “I have no doubt, everyone who knows my father-in-law, because he has lived in Artigas for more than 50 years, knows that he was never a settler.”
Manini emphasized that “it is a big, big lie hatched in the days prior to the referendum (on the Urgent Consideration Law), which is now being ratified by Frente Amplio militants who are in the legal area of Colonization.”