(Since Saint Paul) – The Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, affirmed after the first round of the general elections that the majority of the population had a “will to change” and announced that for the second round before former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva he will try to dialogue with the population with the lowest resources, which is the one that punished him the most in these elections in which he is seeking reelection, as a result of the increase in the price of food.
“I understand that there are many votes that were due to the condition of the Brazilian people, who felt the increase in products, in particular, the basic food basket. I understand that there is a desire for change on the part of the population, but there are certain changes that could be for the worse,” he told reporters at the Alvorada Palace, the presidential residence in Brasilia.
“We tried to show that other side during the campaign, but it seems that it did not reach the most important layer of society,” Bolosonaro said.
“We have a second round ahead in which everything will be the same again, the propaganda time for each side will be the same, and now we are going to better show the population, especially the most affected class, that the situation is a consequence of a war abroad, an ideological crisis as well,” he said.
Bolsonaro obtained 43 percent of the valid votes, eight more than what the polls said, and will contest the second round on October 30 with Lula, the winner with 48 percent.
The president blamed the governors who applied quarantines for having left the lowest class without the possibility of income in the pandemic.
For the second round, he maintained, “everything is even,” adding that he will seek to better explain his proposals for a second term.
The far-right, who will have with his Liberal Party a megabloc of 101 of 513 deputies, affirmed that he will speak with the population about the situation in countries such as Argentina, Chile and Colombia.