Parents and the general public, from now on in the Superior Court of Justice of Juninfood claims can be filed online and without a lawyer, through an easily accessible web form, enough for the judge to qualify and process it.
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Luis Miguel Samaniego Cornelio, president of the Court through the coordination of Informatics, will launch the platform called: “Web Food Demand”, provided by Administrative Resolution No. 439-2021-CE-PJ, in order to provide the maximum facilities for mothers who are food supporters in processing the demand for food.
It is a platform that will be at the service of citizens in general on the web portal of the Junín court, likewise, the procedure can be carried out, by means of the QR code, which links directly to the demand forms in a simple and immediate, where you only need to complete basic information such as: ID number, name of the child or adolescent, biological father / mother, and obligor, address of the defendant, where he works, petition and other important data.
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It is necessary to indicate that, the demand for food via the web, also contemplates for cases of older adults, as well as extramarital affiliation. The launch date will be February 28, for this purpose the previous work and the corresponding tests will be completed.