President peter castle arrived at Congress with a delay of 10 minutes. After the formal greetings and sitting on the Board of Directors with Lady Camones, they sang the National Anthem.
“365 days ago, in this same venue, my mandate began, born from the electoral urns and at the same time the 200 years of our independence were also celebrated, but if we have to speak with the truth, it was an Independence that to this day a large part of the Peruvian men and women are still waiting for it,” said the president.
“Insults and ridicule will not make me go back, on the contrary, they will strengthen me, above all even when my family is insulted. I submit to justice,” he added.
This July 28, 2022, the president peter castle He is celebrating a year of management in the midst of a serious crisis that has dragged on since he took office. Today starting at 11 in the morning he will deliver his message to the Nation within the Congress of the Republic and some parliamentarians have already announced his absence as a sign of protest against the president.
It is expected that in his speech he will talk about the most important issues in the sectors of economy, agriculture, education, work, defense, among others.
peter castle faces fiscal investigations, two vacancy motions and 53 ministers –4 of them censored– in just 12 months is the balance of the so-called ‘people’s government’. The resignation and presidential vacancy are proposed as possible solutions to ungovernability.
Carrying five tax investigations –some of which have accused him of being the head of a criminal organization–; two vacancy motions against him; two characters from his closest environment who are still fugitives and a third –Bruno Pacheco– already collaborating with the justice system; and four ministers censored by Congress, Castillo has anticipated that today there will be “surprises” in his message to the Nation before the Plenary. According to the latest Datum poll, however, 64% of citizens are not interested or care very little about what the president will say, a figure that shows the boredom of the population and the loss of any hope that there may be a change of course
Thus, and with 75% disapproval, according to the same pollster, the head of state is completing his first year in office, which has been marked by political scandals derived, among other things, from his inability to correctly elect his main collaborators, thereby generating a takeover that has paralyzed the country. And it is that, as he himself acknowledged to the international network CNN, he is in a “learning process” that, at this point, already seems to be eternal.