Florida authorities are investigating the death of a 65-year-old man whose body appeared on public roads next to his motorcycle.
Primary information shows that the incident took place on Grauert Street, near the intersection with Tomoteo Núñez, in the Candil neighborhood. The body was a few meters from a hill.
There was no other person near the body and the authorities believe that the man fell to the ground while passing by. In accordance with Telenochethe testimonies indicate that the report of the accident took place around 5 in the morning.
The cause of death of the sexagenarian was the multiple injuries that he presented after allegedly falling from the birodado.
The Florida Police Department of Investigations treats the case as an accident, however, the investigation follows other lines as well. On the site is the headquarters of the Club Candil, to which the Police requested the film records to follow the case.