In the city of Cusco, the main authorities met in the historic center in order to carry out the corresponding protocol acts for the 142nd Anniversary of the Battle of Arica and the Day of the Flag.
The mayor of the city, Victor Boluarte, participated in the walk of the Flag, hoisting of the National Pavilion and the Flag of Cusco and placement of floral offerings at the foot of the Colonel and Marshal of Peru, Francisco Bolognesi.
The authorities recalled that today is the day of the Renewal of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and so did the members of the Armed Forces stationed in the Cusco Region, who participated in a colorful parade in the main square.
The activities began in the square Regocijo, where the procession of the Flag to the main square came from, where it was finally hoisted together with the Flag of Cusco, then gave way to the staff review and troop parade.